Thursday, September 10, 2015

Welcome to our blog!

Hi all,
I'm starting a class blog that I will continually update throughout the year to inform you about class information and what your child is learning in Kindergarten. I'll continue to email imperative information, as you may not always have a chance to visit our blog.

Yesterday was a very exciting day, we had our first assembly in the gym! Eric and Angelyne, "The Amazing" deaf cattle dog came and gave a wonderful presentation on how determination and  perseverance can help students become more successful in school and in their daily lives.  Together, Eric and Angelyne showed us some of their fantastic tricks and students saw first hand, that with a lot of love and determination animals and people can accomplish great things.

Just a reminder, tomorrow is a full day of school. We also have library tomorrow. Please send in your child's library book, so they can check out another one.

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